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Partner Portal FAQs


How do I upload my contacts?

Step 1:
Requirements before you begin:
Make sure that your contact list is in TXT or CSV format.
You must have either an email address or phone number in order to import the list (these are used in the system as the unique identifiers for each contact). 
You must verify that these contacts have opted-in to receive communication from you.

Step 2:
Go to ‘Marketing’ in the Portal Dashboard navigation menu and select Setup Email Lists.
Click “Import” to import your contacts.

You can choose which option you would like to use to import contacts, (CSV is the easiest) then click “Go”.

Step 3:
If you choose to import a CSV or TXT file, you will now need to upload that document.

Click the Upload button to find a file on your computer.
You have the option to upload from your computer or drag and drop from your computer.

Verify that the newly selected file has been uploaded by noting the green tick in the top right-hand corner of the file.

Then Close.

Step 4:
Select the file/ list you want to work with by clicking on it. A blue tick will appear in the top righthand corner.

Then click ‘Next’.

Step 5:
You will now be taken to the Field Mapping & Lists tab.

This screen has multiple options:
Verify that the contacts are opted in to receive email communications from your company by ticking the checkbox.

Update Current Contact Data – If selected, current contacts will be updated with the newly imported information, if the email address matches. If not selected, and an email address matches, this contact will not be imported.

Step 6:
Field mapping – Select the drop down under each field that needs to be mapped to a column heading from your imported file. (Example: First Name, Last Name, Email Address, etc)

Step 7:
Once completed, click ‘Finish’.

How can I see which contacts have unsubscribed?

Unsubscribes are valid email addresses that received the emails sent, but the contact opted out and no longer wants to receive the emails.
There is an unsubscribe link in the footer of every email that is sent, in accordance with spam policies. When a contact clicks to unsubscribe, they are marked in the Portal as unsubscribed.

To see who has unsubscribed for an email you’ve sent;
Step 1:
Go to ‘Reporting’ in the Portal Dashboard navigation menu and select Email Results.

Step 2:
Navigate to the ‘Sent Emails’ section of the page where you’ll see a list of Emails you’ve sent via the Portal.
If any recipients unsubscribed to an email, you’ll see a number value in the Unsubscribed column.

Step 3:
To see the names of contacts who have unsubscribed, double-click on the number value and a window will appear with the details of the unsubscribed contacts.
If you use multiple email marketing platforms, be sure to update your other platform (s) with the contact’s unsubscribed status.
Note: Once a user unsubscribes, they will no longer receive emails from the platform.

See short tutorial video on how to upload contacts


What is a Campaign?

There is an easy way to set up a Campaign in one go, consisting of 4 x weekly emails (Email Campaign) and 4 x weekly social posts (Social Campaign)

What is an Email Campaign?

Email Campaigns are a series of emails that can be run, scheduled, or stopped. These campaigns are designed as a triggered sequence of automated emails sent on a predefined schedule to a targeted audience.

What is a Social Campaign?

Social Campaigns are a series of social posts that can be run, scheduled, or stopped. These campaigns are designed as a triggered sequence of automated posts sent on a predefined schedule.

How do I create a Campaign?

Step 1:

On the Portal Dashboard, select Campaigns under ‘Marketing’ in the top navigation menu. Then, simply click on the Campaign you would like to go with and follow the prompts.

Step 2:

Upload your contacts on the ‘Step 1: Upload your Contacts’ tab if you haven’t already by clicking on the Upload your contacts icon (See How do I upload my contacts?).

Step 3:

Email Campaign – 4 x weekly emails.

Select the Email Campaign button on the ‘Step 2: Email Campaign’ tab to schedule your emails and click on the campaign thumbnail.

Step 4:

Select the time that you want to schedule the email in the ‘Send On’ section.

Choose the delay or time period between sending the 4 emails in the left navigation. The default is a 7 day delay but you can change this as required. You can do this for each of the delay periods between emails.

Press ‘Save’ and then ‘Close’

You can edit the content in any of the emails by clicking on this button in the top right corner of the email.

Step 5:

Click on the ‘Views’ button select Contacts & List  

Scroll down to the Contacts section, where you must select the contacts that will receive this email. Select the ‘Add from List’ button to choose a contact list you previously uploaded. 

There are other list options in the Dynamic List drop down as well. Once you’ve selected your contacts, select ‘Close’. 

Step 6:

You can now Run or Schedule the emails based on the settings you’ve just sent through. Click the play button to Run it now of Schedule to where you can select the ideal sending time range and the start and end dates for the email campaign.

Step 7:

Select the ‘Step 3: Social Campaign button’ tab to post media content to your social channels.

Step 8:

Choose the social sites that you want to post on by clicking on the checkbox. If you haven’t already, you will need to Login to Activate the Social Sites by following the prompts (please note: posting will only work on Facebook company accounts). Click ‘Next’.

Step 9:

Choose the day/s of the week, time range that you would like posting to occur.

Press ‘Schedule’ to schedule the exact day and time that you would like your social drip to start then press ‘Next’.

Step 10:

If you’ve been setup on the Portal as a company administrator, you’ll have the option to set up the social drip on behalf of others in your company on the Social Director Tab and then press ‘Finish’.

See short tutorial video on how to set up Campaigns


What is a newsletter and how do I send a newsletter to my clients?

The newsletter template allows you to select from a range of current business & finance news articles to populate into an email. The article options are updated on a regular basis so that you can send relevant and timely information, keeping you front of mind with your clients.

Step 1:
Upload the contacts you want to send the newsletter to if you haven’t already (See How do I upload my contacts?).

Step 2:
On the Portal Dashboard, select the ‘Newsletter Template’ icon or select Newsletters under ‘Marketing’ in the top navigation menu. Then select the Newsletter Template shown below.

Step 3:
Select the articles you’d like to use in the newsletter and Save.

Step 4:
Click ‘Preview’ to see the formatted email that will be sent to your clients.
If you’d like to edit the articles selected, click the ‘Edit Data’ button.
To edit the content, simply click on the email itself and start making edits, or click on the Editor Fullscreen button on the top right of the email.

Step 5:
Once you’re satisfied with the email content, search for the contact or contact list you want to send to.

Click on and Select the contact or contact list.

Step 6:
If you want to schedule the email, select the ‘Now’ button and change to Schedule. Select the date that you want the newsletter to be sent.

Step 7:
Press ‘Send’ to send the email.

How do I send a one-off email?

Step 1:
Upload your contacts if you haven’t already (See How do I upload my contacts?)

Step 2:
On the Portal Dashboard, select the ‘Send Emails’ icon or select ‘Emails’ from ‘Marketing’ in the top navigation menu.

Step 3:
Select the email template you want to send.

Step 4:
Click ‘Preview’ to see the formatted email that will be sent to your clients.

To edit the content, simply click on the email itself and start making edits, or click on the Editor Fullscreen button on the top right of the email.

Step 5:
Once you’re satisfied with the email content, search for the contact or contact list you want to send to.
Click on and Select the contact or contact list.

Step 6:
If you want to schedule the email, select the ‘Now’ button and change to Schedule. Select the date that you want the newsletter to be sent.

Step 7:
Press ‘Send’ to send the email.

How do I view or email a product summary or other resources?

Step 1:
Upload your contacts if you haven’t already (See How do I upload my contacts?).

Step 2:
On the Portal Dashboard, select the ‘Product Summaries’ or ‘Other Resources’ icon or select these items from ‘Resources’ in the top navigation menu.

Step 3:
Select the document you want to view or email by clicking on it.

Step 4:
Choose what you would like to do with it.

Choosing ‘High Res PDF’ or ‘Low Res PDF’ will allow you to save the document to your chosen folder or print it out.
Choosing ‘Send’ will allow you to email the document to your contact/s.

Step 5:
If you select ‘Send’, you can then search for the contact or contact list you want to send to and populate in the ‘To’ section.
Click on and Select the contact or contact list.

Step 6:
If you want to schedule the email, select the ‘Now’ button and change to Schedule. Select the date that you want the newsletter to be sent.

Step 7:
Enter an Email Subject.

Step 8:
Press ‘Send’ to send the email.

See short tutorial video on how to send Newsletters


How do I measure the effectiveness of my emails?

Step 1:

On the Portal Dashboard, select Email Results from the ‘Reporting’ option in the top navigation menu.

Step 2:

This will open up the “Email Summary Report”.

The stats and activities graph provides a monthly summary of total emails opened and links clicked.

The bar below that offers a more detailed breakdown of performance, listing the total number of emails sent, the total number of emails opened, the total number of links clicked, and the total number of unsubscribed emails.

The delivery ratios graph shows the ratio of links clicked to links bounced for all time.

Finally, the “Recent Active Emails” section allows you to view the performance of individual emails.

How do I view the reports on my Campaigns?

Step 1:

On the Portal Dashboard, select the Campaigns Results from the ‘Reporting’ option in the top navigation menu.

In the “Campaign Stats” section, The bar graph will show you the number of campaigns that are currently running, have finished running, or are set to run at some point in the future. Clicking on any of the bars will show you a list of specific campaigns.

Step 2:

Clicking on an entry from this list will open a detailed campaign report.

Reading Email Campaign Reports

The graph on the top will give you an overall picture of the campaign’s performance.

  • Total Contacts – the number of contacts added to the drip.
  • Active – all contacts currently viable and waiting to receive campaigns.
  • Hot/High – any contacts with hot or high interest levels within the drip.
  • Emails sent – the number of emails sent to contacts within the current drip.
  • Bounced – the number of contacts bounced within the campaign (this includes soft and hard bounces).
  • Unsubscribed – the number of contacts that unsubscribed from emails.
  • Opened – the number of contacts that opened any email from that campaign.
  • Open rate – the overall percentage of emails opened.
  • Links clicked – the number of links clicked by contacts.
  • Click through rate – the unique click-through percentage average of all emails

The list on the bottom will give stats on each email.

  • Contacts Waiting – Waiting Contacts refer to contacts that have been sent an email.
  • Condition 1 – If the “Contact Waiting” number is “0”, the email has been sent to the contact.
  • Condition 2 – If the “Contact Waiting” number is “1”, the email is not yet received by the contact.
  • Open (Open Rate) – Open rate refers to the total number of emails opened by the contact.

The “Campaign-wise” Report Section

The “Campaign-wise” report section lists the number of users that are running, have run or will run each campaign template. Clicking on a hyperlinked number will open a user list.


How do I view a Social Channels report?

Step 1:

On the Portal Dashboard, select the Social Channels Results from the ‘Reporting’ option in the top navigation menu.

A window titled ‘Social Campaign Reports’ will open showing the bar graph displaying the values of the Total, Completed, Running, Stopped, and Scheduled drips.

Step 2:

You can generate a report on the basis of a specific time period by clicking the “Collective” option.

Total – Total number of social campaigns in your account.
Running - Total number of running campaigns under all the users of your company.

Step 3:

In this section, scroll to User-Wise Social Campaign Report > To view a specific social media drip report of the user.

Total Likes - The number of likes of your post.
Total Comments - The number of comments on your post.
Total Shares - The number of shares of your post.

How do I access a Landing Page report?

Step 1:

On the Portal Dashboard, select the Landing Page Results from the ‘Reporting’ option in the top navigation menu.

In the Top Successful Landing Pages & Stats, you can see your top performing landing pages and the number of views the page received.

  • Total pages shows the total number of landing pages created.
  • Active pages shows how many pages have at least 1 view.
  • Total visits shows the total number of visits to all of your pages.
  • Unique Visits shows the total number of unique visits to all of your pages.
  • Total signups shows the number of contacts who completed a landing page.
  • Effectiveness shows the number of total signups to total unique visits.

In the Recent Popular Landing Pages, you can view the landing pages by clicking on the landing page name, as well as stats like total visits, unique visits, signups, effectiveness, and created on. You can also export this data by selecting the download button.

How do I view a Resources Results report?

Step 1:
On the Portal Dashboard, select the Resources Results from the ‘Reporting’ option in the top navigation menu.

Step 2:
You can check the report for other users in your organization if you are setup as a company administrator role on the Portal.

Step 3:
Below are the key reporting metrics to look at:

  • Name: Shows the name of the resource/product summary.
  • Usage: The number of times the resource/product summary was accessed.
  • Total Users: Shows the total number of users who have used the resource/product summary.
  • Sent: Number of times the resource/product summary was sent
  • Downloaded: Number of times the resource/product summary was sent via email and the file was downloaded from the email.


Will ScotPac have access to the contacts that I upload into the portal?

No, ScotPac is providing this capability as a value-added service. We will not have access to the contacts you upload to the portal or send communications to.

I would like my assistant to send emails and social posts on my behalf. How does that work?

Please let us know if you would like an individual in your organisation to be set up as a company administrator.

Once we set them up, the user will be able to submit applications and quotes on behalf of other individuals working in the same organisation who are also registered on the portal.

The company administrator will also be able to send emails and set up social posts on behalf of others in their organisation.

How do I stop emails going to my clients’ spam account?

By default, emails you send from the portal will come from a generic email address but display your name. This can get caught in your client’s spam filter which uses “content filtering” to compare who sent the email and who is receiving the email.

To avoid this from happening you can opt to change the default email address to your email domain, enabling client communications to come from your own email address. If you opt to do this, you need to “authorise” the platform to send emails from you. We will email you instructions to make the change with your email provider and you may need the help of your technical support team to assist you.

Note that you need to be using your own domain (the part after @ in your email address) to opt in. If you are using a free email domain like Hotmail or Gmail, then you will not be able to opt in.

Please let your BDM know that you want to ‘update your email’ domain and we will be in contact with instructions.

Where can I find more resources related to the Partner Portal?